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SALT.ed Wadsley is an Alternative Education Provision serving young people from local secondary schools who are either at risk of exclusion, or are disengaged from education. Our motivation is to make a difference to the lives of young people; to bring hope to a life where the young person, or those around them, have lost hope. This is why we offer GCSE support, encouraging young people that despite dropping out of mainstream education, they still have a chance of re-engaging and leaving school with qualifications and a post-16 destination.


What does Salt have to do with it? Well, it's all about flavour - living life to the full.


Historically, salt was a symbol of value, it was expensive. Each young person is valuable, even if they don't realise it. Salt can't lose its saltiness - its value - unless it's diluted or mixed with rubbish. We want young people to overcome the issues that have got in the way, and find the essence of who they are and who they can be, rediscovering lost hopes and dreams. We want to see young people discovering their own worth for themselves, and to start to determine what they do with their lives, rather than letting circumstances dictate this for them.

What exactly happens?


We will create a bespoke package that is centred around the young person,which will include working towards GCSE qualifications in Maths and English. We will also look at building a curriculum around the young person's interests, hobbies, endeavours and options choices. We run Mondays to Thursdays, from 9.15am - 2.45pm. Students usually attend for between 1 and 3 days a week as part of a package of education tailored to their needs. 


What can young people expect?


Young people should expect high quality teaching, developing their knowledge and skills in core GCSE subjects delivered by experienced qualified teachers. There will also be significant time devoted to developing new skills in areas they enjoy, which could include graffiti art, cooking, gardening, circuit training etc. There will also be time for socialising over mealtimes and breaks, which can include pool, table football, art etc. Each young person will have a key worker, who will process what is going on in life, offering support and advice where appropriate. This will also be an area where we can explore additional support that the young person may need or want.


We work in conjunction with other professionals and services, including CYT, MST, Social Care, MAST, Educational Psychologists, CAMHs and others, to provide the best support we can.


Want to find out more?


If you are interested as part of a School, you can find us through the Progressions Team at Sheffield City Council (being on the Approved List of Providers), or we do deal directly with Schools as well. All students are on roll at schools and must be referred to us by the school, parents cannot self refer, but do get in touch if you have any questions about what we do or how things work. 




We are looking for a part time Learning Mentor to join our team 1 or 2 days a week from January, with the possibility of more hours in the future. Contact Emma (07525466113 or for more information and to arrange a visit.

Please click here for the job description. 

Deadline for applications: Friday 26th November

Interviews: Monday 1st December







If you would like to find out about supporting us - by volunteering, praying or financially giving, then contact us via the details below.









Team Leader and Designated Safeguarding Lead


Learning Mentor

Designated Safeguarding Deputy, QTS


Youth and Schools Worker 


Learning Mentor, QTS

SALT.ed brochure 2021 

SALT.ed application form 2021 

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