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At Wadsley Church we take the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously.


​​You can see our safeguarding policy and statement on domestic abuse by clicking the links to download them. ​Wadsley Church has adopted the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ and follows its policy and practice guidance


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Emily Kittle - you can contact her on 07933 927443 or 


If you feel that someone is in immediate danger please contact the police on 999
and inform us afterwards.

Safe Spaces


 The national Church of England has launched Safe Spaces, an independent service supporting survivors of church-related abuse. This service offers support to survivors of church-related abuse whether or not a report has been made. The independent service is run by the charity Victim Support. It is free to access via telephone (0300 303 1056, email or webchat. Further information is available here.


Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors


If you would prefer to speak with someone at a diocesan level you can use one of the contacts below:


Siân Checkley, Safeguarding Adviser
(Monday – Thursday)  



Elina Penttila, Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

(Monday – Friday)

07871 796682 


Rachel Tankard, Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

(Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)

07874 859062 



Wadsley Church, Worrall Road, Sheffield, S6 4BB 


Registered Charity Number: 1201233


Wadsley Church is committed to high standards in the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults. If anyone is in immediate danger please call 999. Our Safeguarding Officer is Emily Kittle, who can be contacted by emailing or on 07933 927443 and our Safeguarding policy can be found by clicking this link.

If you would like to contact the Diocese of Sheffield Safeguarding team you can find the information for this here.

Please only use this number to get in touch about safeguarding concerns. For general enquiries please email

Our Privacy Notice can be found here.

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