PCC and Governance
In a Church of England church, there's a particular governance structure that it can be helpful to understand. Wadsley Church is a registered charity and part of the Diocese of Sheffield. We share a well established model of safeguarding and governance which unites church and charity law to ensure proper oversight and transparency for all our ministry and mission.
The PCC.
The PCC (Parochial Church Council) is made up of members of the clergy and lay members of our church family. A lay member is someone who is on the electoral roll but is not ordained. Our PCC is made up of our vicar and other people who are licensed for ministry (such as associate ministers and curates), our churchwardens, our deanery synod representative and lay members. Lay members may be invited (or "co-opted" by the PCC (e.g., secretary, treasurer and safeguarding) or elected from our church family at the APCM.
The PCC act as trustees and guard the integrity of church life. They formally approve strategic plans and ensure that all necessary resources, policies and checks are in place for financial, safeguarding, staffing and health and safety. They are also responsible for the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. The PCC hold the leadership team accountable and ensure decisions that are made promote the mission of the Church.
Our PCC meets 6 times a year. At our meetings, reports on the various church ministries are received and matters concerning the life of the Church are discussed such as Wadsley's mission and involvement in the community, the worship and activities of our Church and the spiritual development of the congregation. The PCC can also approve major financial expenditures that are outside the approved budget following discussion and decision making. Meetings are always minuted, and once they have been approved, they are displayed in church and can be found here. If you would like a copy emailed to you, please contact Katie our PCC Secretary.
Sometimes decisions need to be made urgently and cannot wait until the next PCC meeting. When this happens, the standing committee can approve things in the absence of a full PCC. Wadsley's standing committee consists of the Vicar, the vice-chair of the PCC, the wardens, the treasuer and the secretary.
Who is on PCC?
- Dan Brown (Vicar, Standing Committee)
- Joe Fenn (Warden, Standing Committee)
- Donna Merry (Warden, Standing Committee)
- Jordan Betts (Curate, Standing Committee)
- Katie Grindod (Lay member, co-opted as Secretary and Electoral Roll Officer, Standing Committee)
- Chris Heron (Lay member, co-opted as Treasurer, Standing Committee)
- Emily Kittle (Lay member, co-opted as Parish Safeguarding Officer)
- Beki Otieno (Assosciate Minister)
- Hannah Hutty (Lay member, Deanery Synod Rep and Health and Safety Officer)
- Joan Sargison (Lay member)
- Sean Grant (Lay member)
- Jenifer Jackson (Lay member)
- Gill Snook (Lay member)
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
The APCM is an important part of the governance of Wadsley Parish Church. It happens in April each year - in 2024 it will be on Thursday 18th April at 7:30pm. The APCM consists of two main parts:
Elections - during the APCM, the Church Wardens are elected or re-elected. This technically happens at the annual vestry meeting, but we hold them alongside each other. There are also elections for the PCC. Each elected PCC member serves a three year term and the number of vacancies changes each year.
Reports - In advance of the APCM, annual reports are collated which provide an overview of the last year and an update of the church finances.These reports will be available here, along with the agenda. Alongside the APCM, our annual reports are a key way in which we are accountable to each other and provide a high degree of transparancy into the life of our church.
Electoral Roll - to participate fully and vote at the APCM, you need to be on the electoral roll. The electoral roll is the Anglican name for the list of members of our church. If you're a member of the Wadsley Church Family, we'd love to make sure you're on it. You can read more about how to join the electoral roll here.