Church Family Notices
Find out more about what's going on at Wadsley here.
Prayer Ministry Training Video
Prayer ministry is so important to what we do and who we are at Wadsley. We want loads of people to be free to pray, but we want to make sure we do this in a safe and caring environment. If you have been a part of something similar, or would like to be a part of the prayer ministry team, please watch the short video below, then fill out this even shorter questionnaire, and we will be in touch soon.
Notices - 9th February 2023
Flood Graves Tour - Saturday 9th March at 2pm
As part of the 160th anniversary of the Great Sheffield Flood, Tony will be leading a free short talk/display and guided tour of the graves of our 30 flood victims, including that of Will Mire (aged 9) who was working at Damflask at midnight at the time of the flood. Meet at the church.
The annual graveyard tour will be happening as usual later in the year. Tony's talks are always really informative so if you haven't been to one yet, you've got two opportunities this year!
Graveyard Help
Tony Jordan, who looks after our graveyard and does lots of other odd jobs around the church grounds, is having an operation to hopefully reconnect a severed tendon in his shoulder on 27 March. This operation has a long recovery period and means Tony will be out of action for quite some time. He's looking for some people who will be able to take on some of the tasks he usually carries out - mainly mowing the grass and emptying the bins and putting them out for collection. If you think you could help in any capacity during March, April or May please contact Tony on 07976641047.
Easter Trail - 30th March, 10am-12noon
This is a brilliant opportunity to invite local families to explore the Easter story in a different way with plenty of cake and chocolate thrown in for good measure!
Please do put the date in your diary and be thinking about who you could invite, it's a really low pressure opportunity to welcome people to our Church. Please also consider if you would be able to help on the day. We will need: Cake bakers, tea and coffee servers, people to help set up and tidy up and people on hand during the session to point people in the right direction, welcome them, hand out prizes at the end and generally help it all to run smoothly. If you can help please do get in touch with Emily -
Summer Craft Fayre
Building on the success of the Christingle Craft Fayre over the last few years, we're looking to hold a summer edition! This will be taking place on the 20th July and Debbie Lawrance is looking to assemble a team of people to help make it a success. If you'd like to be involved contact Debbie on